Activity: Making up dry good hampers for Orana House women's refuge Venue and time to be confirmed
Activity: Making up dry good hampers for Orana House women's refuge Venue and time to be confirmed
Come and join us for the Greek-Jewish Festival of Cultures (Fiddler on the Plaka) from 2 to 7 pm at St Andrews Grammar School, Dianella. This combined event will showcase Greek and Jewish food stalls; cultural stalls;…
Fashion Parade
Maccabi Oval
Monday, 6 December 2021
Jewish Exodus from Islamic Countries Speaker: Dr Sherry Sufi Includes light refreshments 12th December 2-4pm Place to be advised.
Sunday, 6 February 2022
For children born in January & February and their families. Followed by a special birthday kiddush and family picnic for all shule attendees