About Us

The Council shall be and act as the official spokesperson and central authority of the Jewish Community of Western Australia and shall foster the unity of the Jewish Community and strive for the fulfilment of its aspirations and encourage the development of its religious, spiritual, cultural and social heritage. Its aims and objects shall be to represent and take action of behalf of the Jewish community in Western Australia on matters of Jewish communal importance.
Meetings of the JCCWA Executive and Council are held regularly.
Council meetings are held quarterly and Executive meetings held monthly.
The AGM is held in August each year.

Executive for 2021
PresidentGeoff Midalia
Immediate Past PresidentJoan Hillman OAM
Vice PresidentDavid Freilich OAM
Vice PresidentSteve Lieblich
Hon SecretaryFrances Crewe
TreasurerLemmy Hadassin
Community Security GroupRobin Cohen
Public RelationsStanley Keyser
Interfaith RabbiDavid Freilich OAM
Youth InterestsJake Leibowitz
Woman’s InterestsGaby Reubenson
General CommitteeLeon Schneider

The three organisations below are not our members but contribute to the vibrancy of our community. We work with these three organisations but they are not constituent members of JCCWA.
Chabad Lubavitch
Friends of Israel WA
State Zionist Council of WA

Honour Board
Western Australian Council of Jewish Affairs
1943Maurice Zeffert
1943-45Alec Breckler
Western Australian Jewish Advisory Board
1945-52Alec Breckler
Western Australian Jewish Board of Deputies
1952-55Alec Breckler
1955-60Abe Troy
1960-70Albert Gild
1970-71Eric Silbert
1971-76Jack Krasnostein
1976-80Max Walters
1980-81Gerald Einfeld
1981Doron Ur
Council of Western Australian Jewry (Inc.)
1981-84Doron Ur
1984-86Tirza Cohen
1986-99Doron Ur
1999-01Ron Samuel
Jewish Community Council of Western Australia (Inc.)
2001Ron Samuel
2001-05Joe Berinson
2005-09Keith Shilkin
2009-13Tony Tate
2013-17David Denver
2017-PresentJoan Hillman